They guided us to a big tent and asked “Are you pregnant?”
I said jokingly, “No it’s just a false alarm 😂. Yes, of course I am pregnant”.

We entered the tent where there was a lot of people: big, small, women and elders. This was the first time I felt as though I was lost among all these people. Oudai held my hand and asked, “Are you cold?” I didn’t respond because I was shivering, but my tears answered for me. I was scared that we were going to get lost here.
My husband was laughing at me He was comforting me and wiping my tears so I wouldn’t cry anymore. He told me to stay there and to cover myself in the blanket. Then he went to see what was happening and to register our names so we could take a tent to protect our son from the cold of the winter — since he hasn’t experienced the world 😕. We slept in the big tent for three days, which we later got to know by its name (The Reception Tent).
After a huge effort from Oudai — I could see the tiredness from his eyes — he secured a small tent for us, because sleeping among people we didn’t know was something strange, which I had never experienced before in my life. For three days I forgot about the war, the sound of bombardment and bullets, and destruction. All that I was thinking about was Oudai and my son, and how we would live here. Oh my god, how hard it is to migrate! How hard is it to move from your country to an unfamiliar country and be with people you don’t know. You don’t have your mother to cook your favorite dishes for you, and no father to return from work with yummy chocolates. There’s a test to determine your future!
After three days we took our tent that Oudai set up and I helped, but not very much. 😀 He told me, “Enough — sit, don’t tire yourself, you’re pregnant”. We entered it and sat 😪. Our new house was in the camp, and there was also a place for kitchen appliances and house furniture. They gave us pots, two plates and two cups made of stainless steel. They also gave us two mattresses and blankets. It felt as though we were serving in the military, which is required in Syria ​🙂
What is this? I thought to myself.

Age:Â 26
Country of origin: Syria
Civil status: Married to Oudai (in Germany), two children
Current residence:Â Jordan