My self-confidence is deteriorating every day in front of the Parliament dome. My predictions never failed me. At last, the parliament voted to bring in 1,000 persons from Syria’s neighboring countries. The total number of protected persons in Germany is 65,000 persons and they are all waiting for family unification and I am one of them. This means that I must wait for a year, two or even five years to be reunited with my family. This is how long it will take to process all applications.
I clueless am to when my turn will be to live under one roof with my family in one country. This is my dream and the dream of my wife and now that my children started understanding life, this also became their dream. It is the dream of my wife to move from the virtual house that we live in right now through social networks to a real house of four walls and a ceiling on this earth.
My life will be threatened if I go back to Syria and I am forbidden from going back to Jordan. It is like I swallowed a double edge sword. If I continue swallowing it, it will kill me and if try to take it out it will kill me as well. I have done all in my capacity in Germany. I have complied with all laws even before they started enforcing them, however it is hard to catch up with the new regulations. I am wondering of these are laws or hurdles. I prefer to call them hurdles, because conditions can be met, but hurdles need to be removed.
Lately, I signed a contract with Berlin Transportation Company (Bracticom) to start the preparations for the vocational training. This was a step in the right direction. I feel happy as I get to know new people and my time if filled with work and duties. However, when I come home in the evening and open the door and start looking at the pictures of my family on the walls and picturing them how excited they will get when they see me coming home and the way how they will race to the door to greet me, my feelings flare up and I start talking to the pictures.
I keep saying, when will that moment be a reality and not a dream? I keep the dream to wake up one morning to check the calendar and find that it is the date for to go to the airport to receive my family. Is this a dream or did they cancel the flight route between Jordan and Germany and all flights were cancelled?

Age: 26
Country of Origin: Syria
Host Country: Germany
Civil Status: Married to Alaa, with two children (wife and children in Jordan)