I decided to move to Amman, the capital of Jordan, since it is a vibrant big city and I could find work easier than I did in Irbid. I did not hesitate for a second, moving my family with me and rented a one-bedroom apartment with a bathroom and kitchen. The next day I went to look for a job and I was lucky to land on embroidery job for women’s clothing. It was a great job with a modest salary, but had the potential for increase. This helped to fulfill my family’s basic needs without having to ask anybody for money. I felt a human being again with a family, a house and a job. Small dreams fulfilled, but I felt I owned the whole world and now all doors were open to me.
A year passed, my job improved and my son turned one year old. He started saying Mama and Papa — small words that felt like honey on our hearts. What beautiful memories. When he started walking, my wife surprised me that she was pregnant again. What a joy that makes you feel that life has a different meaning.
Our fun journey to guess the gender of the newborn started. This time it was fun — we did not have this luxury with our firstborn since we were in Syria and the sound of bombardments overshadowed our thinking. All our concerns at that time were about survival. After a few month, we learned that the newborn would be a girl. Our joy was now complete to have a girl that is ‘sweeter than honey’ as we say in Arabic.
My dream of establishing a family had come true and now I had to think seriously about the future of this family. The children will grow up fast and will need go to school soon and then university. They are my responsibility, but I do not how to make this happen since life is expensive in Jordan — education costs a fortune here — and I am only a very simple worker. My salary will never be able to cover their education expenses. What is the solution? What is the way to guarantee their future?

Age: 26
Country of Origin: Syria
Host Country: Germany
Civil Status: Married to Alaa, with two children (wife and children in Jordan)