“One day, I was paid a visit by a young woman whom I had no idea was going to be my wife. She had a laptop she needed to be fixed. As soon as I saw her, I had a feeling that young woman should be mine. I gave her a deadline for her to receive her laptop back. On the agreed day, she showed up and I told her I wanted to propose to her.”
The center was called “International Center for Computers:” He offered me a job there and decided to teach me that occupation. So, after attending classes at the Institute, I went to work at his center for a very low salary. I was paid a weekly wage equivalent to ten dollars.
I was not good at fixing computers, but after some time, I became good at this work, undertaking tasks involving repairs and software. At the start of 2010, I took a professional computer maintenance and fixing course given by the company LG in the capital, Damascus. I mastered the art computer repair and received a certificate. When I went back to the center, having obtained the certificate, I had solid experience. I was able to become the manager and took charge of business at the center. The three main things in my life were the Institute, work and home.
It took me 15 minutes to walk from home to work. Home and work carried my best memories in life. My house was a warm place and my mother was really kind and compassionate. My house overlooked beautiful scenery. It was located in a neighborhood called Sahary. There was a valley in front of the house called Zaidy. And at the bottom of the valley, there was a small lake, where my mother and I would sit, drink tea and engage in amusing conversation.
I had equally great memories of work. One day, I was paid a visit by a young woman whom I had no idea was going to be my wife. She had a laptop she needed to be fixed. As soon as I saw her, I had a feeling that young woman should be mine. I gave her a deadline for her to receive her laptop back. On the agreed day, she showed up and I told her I wanted to propose to her. She took some time to think it over. But, she gave me her response. We went on a date and that was the start of our love and our life together. That episode took place in 2012, while the Syrian crisis was brewing.
I was required to join the military service, but I refused because the military was persecuting the Syrian people. This is a fact well-known to the whole world. Nonetheless, the girl agreed to be my wife. We got married on April 1st, 2012.
To be continued.

Age: 26
Country of Origin: Syria
Host Country: Germany
Civil Status: Married to Alaa, with two children (wife and children in Jordan)