My Early Life in Syria: Working Towards the Future
I lived in Syria with my family from my birth until January 2013, a few hours away from the Capital, Damascus. I am the oldest of three brothers. I studied in a neighborhood called Hittin. After elementary school, I continued to middle school and high school, where I chose the vocational field of electrical engineering and eventually got my diploma in electrical technology.
But before I got my certificate, my father died from severe heart attack in 2007, and I took the role of father in the house because I am the eldest among my brothers. I also continued my study at the Technical Institute in electrical technology. After I finished the first year, my mother became severely ill. The doctors had a hard time diagnosing her disease, which meant it progressed significantly before she was finally able to receive treatment in Damascus, Because of my mother’s illness, I was not able to continue at the Institute and I do not have any documents to show the reason for my absence. Despite missing my studies, I accompanied my mother through every stage of treatment, including the amputation of two of her fingers since the disease had progressed so far.
Finally her condition stabilized and I was able to continue my studies at the Institute. The time away from school set me back in important classes such as electronic systems, which delayed my graduation. However, I finally graduated from the Institute with an electrical engineering degree and in 2010; I was 20 years old.

Age: 26
Country of Origin: Syria
Host Country: Germany
Civil Status: Married to Alaa, with two children (wife and children in Jordan)